"It was love at first sight...You’d have to drag us away screaming!"
Jacquie and Keith
When new Oyster Harbour Lifestyle Village Lifestylers, Jacquie and Keith Moreton took a leisurely drive through Albany while on holiday, they cruised down Elizabeth Street, liked the sound of Oyster Harbour, followed the directions and fell in love the minute they entered the front gates.
What drew you to Albany?
Keith is from Albany originally and he always wanted to come back after living in the UK for most of his life. I am from Melbourne so there was no convincing me of moving here. We were living in a large, late 1970s five bedroom home on an 800sqm block near Rockingham at the time, and the up-keep was just getting too much for us. You don’t want to be climbing ladders and cleaning gutters in your 60s.
Did the Perth summers influence your decision?
Absolutely. We just couldn’t handle it anymore, even though we had an air-conditioner. It doesn’t rain anywhere near as much as the weather reports say down here. It’s still warm and sunny and the skies are beautiful and clear. You really notice the lack of pollution because we are near the harbour and the sea which gives a lovely ambience.
And now, how is the new lifestyle working for you?
We love it. You’d have to drag me away screaming! When we retired Keith hadn’t been well. We started to miss contact with other people and began to feel a bit socially isolated. I tell you, we have been made so welcome here. We feel like we belong. Being able to bring our aging dog was also a big deciding factor for us. Leaving him behind would have been a huge wretch.
Keith says it’s like a movie roll every time we take the dog for a walk. That’s the lovely part about Oyster Harbour.
You mentioned you like being part of a growing community
We like the fact that we are the pioneers down here. We can go through the teething stages, add our voice and watch it grow like a teenager. If people want to be a part of that they should come down!
Financial benefits?
We like how the weekly rent covers a lot of things that we’d be putting money aside for every fortnight previously. Everything is here so we don’t need to go anywhere locally or pay membership fees.
Jacquie and Keith kindly provided this testimonial in 2014. If you’d like to view this wonderful Village, call us on 08 9844 0000 or discover more about Oyster Harbour Lifestyle Village here.